Shaping futures of Learning

with Innovative Software Products

With 10+ years of software development and industry experience, EnlightenSoft is dedicatedly revolutionizing the educational landscape. Our innovative software solutions are uniquely designed to foster advanced learning and inspire innovation, shaping the future of learning.

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About us

Your Reliable
Technology Partner

At EnlightenSoft, we merge technology with vision, creativity with precision, and insight with proficiency. Our mission to transform the realm of education through advanced software solutions. With over a decade's worth of experience, we strive to foster a culture of innovation and creativity in learning. Our goal is to shape the future of education, making learning more accessible, engaging, and impactful for all.

Our Products

Products that People Love

Dive into our wide range of innovative software products, meticulously designed to enrich the educational experience. Each solution is designed with expertise, tapping into the future of learning and innovation.


AI Platform for every Nepali. Start using top bots for free, Create, customize, and profit from your very own bots today.


A Quiz Platform for everyone. Learn, Earn & Enjoy with our exciting Quizzes.


Find your dream university and start applying with local consultancies.


Why choose us?

Always the best,

Discover what sets us apart in the tech landscape.From our seasoned experts to our tailor made solutions, we're dedicated to driving your success through innovative and personalised approaches.

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Happy Clients

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Satisfied Users

Get In Touch

Catch Us in the
Digital Cosmos

Got interested to discuss about any project ? Reach out to us today, and let's start a conversation.

  • Address Gwarko, Lalitpur, Nepal
  • For Support +977-015200470 +977-9810983210